Private-public collaborative governance

Private-public Collaborative Governance 

GS1 Malaysia is working in collaboration with government several government agencies to standardize key supply chain processes with the use of GS1 barcodes to manage and identify products and improve efficiency to facilitate via GS1 standards.  The agencies are as follows:

  1. The Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNHEP) has partnered with GS1M to promote and improve Made-In-Malaysia products’ access to the marketplace through the use of GS1 identification keys and standards in the rapidly changing retail landscape.
  2. The Ministry of Health (MOH) is collaborating with GS1 Malaysia to improve the traceability & visibility of pharmaceuticals and medical devices, and combat against counterfeiting & unregistered products.
  3. The National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA) works with GS1 Malaysia to promote information sharing between the manufacturer, distribution centres and retail pharmacy by using GS1 Identification Keys.

These private-public collaborative governances offer traceability-solution based on GS1 Standards to share product information in the market and uses GS1 product identification labels to strengthen, control and ensure the safety of pharmaceutical products to empower consumers to choose drugs registered in the market.  The following are examples of collaborative work with these agencies: