Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri (KPDN or the Malaysian Ministry of Domestic Trade) together with leading retailers and GS1 Malaysia, have officially launched a reference book for all brand owners, titled “Buku Panduan Kemasukan Produk Halal PKS Dalam Pasar Raya Besar Asing dan Tempatan Di Malaysia” on 9th October 2018, highlighting the importance of GS1 Standards & Keys in getting products into both international & local Retail stores.
The launch was conducted by YB Dato Saifuddin Nasution Bin Ismail, Minister of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs. GS1 Malaysia was one of the speakers at the event, where we provided the attendees with an overview of GS1 Standards and Services.
GS1 Malaysia will continue to work with KPDN in disseminating the reference book to all local brand owners.
Full version of the book can be found here: