Difficulties in generating your barcode numbers?
Not sure what is the correct Check Digit & GS1 Company Prefix?
Don’t know if your barcode numbers are correctly generated?
GS1 Malaysia can Help!
Having accurate GS1 GTIN barcode numbers for your products is important to ensure they can be uniquely identified in the global marketplace.
What is GTIN?
GTIN stands for Global Trade Item Number, and it is GS1’s globally unique product and trade item identifier, also known as a barcode number, SKU, or product identifier.
GS1 GTINs uniquely identify different product types & models and are therefore different between products and product variants.
GS1 GTINs come in different lengths, each of which have different uses:
How to allocate a GS1 GTIN barcode number:
The GS1 Malaysia Barcode Number Generation Service can help you to generate GTIN-13 and GTIN-14 barcodes from your existing GS1 licensed company prefix(es) for a nominal fee and ensure that:
- Your products have an accurate & unique identifier that increases their visibility.
- Your products can be easily identified amongst the myriad of similar products in the global market.
- You can immediately allocate GS1-generated barcode numbers to your products.
- GTIN-13 Number Generation Service (Product-level/SKU)
RM 100.00 for 10 GS1 barcode numbers (Small Block License only)
RM 375.00 for 250 GS1 barcode numbers
3 barcode symbol verification vouchers* (NEW!)
RM 500.00 for 1,000 GS1 barcode numbers
5 barcode symbol verification vouchers* (NEW!)
- GTIN-14 Number Generation Service (Carton / Non-retail level)
RM 100.00 for 80 GS1 barcode numbers
To use this service, you must provide GS1 with 10 x GTIN-13 barcode numbers to serve as the base barcode number for the GTIN-14 generation.
Each GTIN-13 will be used to generate 8 x GTIN-14 carton barcodes, corresponding to different carton levels (1 to 8).
1 955 123456 000 C - 8 955 123456 000 C
1 955 123456 009 C - 8 955 123456 009 C
- Contact GS1 Malaysia at gs1malaysia@gs1my.org if you have any questions about barcode number generation.
- All generated barcode numbers are from a member’s allocated GS1 licensed prefix(es).
- The generated barcode numbers ARE NOT a new separate block i.e., they are not a new set of numbers.
- The barcode number generation service is an as-needed service. It is not subscription-based, nor does it renew with the license renewal.
- All generated barcode numbers start from the first allocated number.
- If you want to start from a different running number (e.g., your previous PIC had generated the barcode numbers for you, but they are no longer able to), you must provide GS1 with the last used or last known full barcode number; GS1 will generate the barcode number after that number for you. This is to prevent duplication of barcode numbers i.e., 2 or more products carrying the same barcode number.
- All barcode verification vouchers are valid for only 1 year.