Databank Enhanced Services

GS1 Malaysia offers our Databank Enhanced Services to our members who have specific requirements for their product data.

Note: the below services are only available to active VbG-PDSS subscribers. Kindly expect a minimum of 3 working days to process your request.


Details of each Enhanced Service

Processing Fee


Upload product information into GS1 Repositories outside of the monthly free upload.

(Note: VbG-PDSS subscribers can submit their product data for free
once per calendar month)

100 per submission


Retrieve all previously submitted product information from GS1 Repositories

100 per request


Assist to determine the Global Product Classification (GPC) Codes (Class + Brick) for a product item(s)

50 per GTIN/SKU


Upload additional Product Images into the GS1 Repository

(Note: VbG-PDSS subscribers can upload 10 images for free, technical limit of 3 images per product)

50 per image


Amend previously uploaded product information within GS1 Repositories

50 per GTIN/SKU


Technical Fulfilment – Upload of Special characters or symbols (e.g., Chinese Characters, other logograms, !,@,-,?,&,$,%, etc.) into GS1 Repositories

50 per GTIN/SKU


Contact GS1 Malaysia via email at for further assistance.