Did you know?
GS1 Malaysia has a License Transfer advisory service to assist you to maintain your GS1 membership Active Status with the latest company information and fight against unauthorized barcode numbers & resellers.
When do I need to transfer my GS1 Membership?
If your business is undergoing one of the following, you will need to transfer your GS1 Membership to the new company:
- Your business is merging with another company,
- Your business is changing its nature (i.e., from sole proprietorship/enterprise to private limited/Sdn Bhd),
- If your business is changing its name while retaining its registration number (Change Name)
- You have sold your business, brand and/or product to another entity,
- Your business has split to several different entities,
- Your business is closing and relocating to another country.
How do I transfer my GS1 Membership?
To transfer your GS1 membership to another company, you need to provide the following to GS1 Malaysia:
- A Transfer Acknowledgement Letter (with old company letterhead) signed by both parties (transferor(old) and transferee(new))
- A completed GS1 Membership Application Form with the transferee (new) company details
- Company registration documents of the transferee (new) company
- Payment proof of the transfer fees
Send the above documents via email to membership@gs1my.org for further assistance or if you have further questions.