Tan Sri Dato' Soh Thian Lai, President of FMM/Chairman of GS1 Malaysia and Dato' Gan Tack Kong, Vice-President of FMM/Board Director of GS1 Malaysia attending the high-priority strategic discussions and programmes at GS1 Global Forum 2025 at Amsterdam, Netherlands


To all existing GS1 Members, the GS1 Membership License subscription fee for the year 2024/2025 was due July 1st 2024. If you have received our invoice, kindly make payment as soon as possible. Contact us at payment@gs1my.org for further information.

The GS1 Malaysia’s annual subscription fee is revised effective from 1st January 2024. 

Kindly find the full details of the enhanced services, platforms & facilities developed & offered to GS1MY Members here.

GS1 Malaysia takes the recent unauthorised number incidences very seriously.

GS1 Malaysia does not recognise, endorse or support any 3rd party that sells GS1 barcodes or memberships or claims they are an authorised reseller (they are not). You can only get GS1's unique identification directly from GS1!

Avoid misinformation, misleading truths and fraudulent offers from unauthorised barcode resellers such as Barcodes Malaysia, Barcode Savers or Hani of OEM Group (+6011-****8380), who gained unauthorised access to member information and tried to sell barcodes beginning with ‘955’ to them, directly undermine & mislead our members and customers about GS1 integrityuniqueness and ubiquity

Perform a Self Check through the Member Product Databank (part of the GS1 Malaysia Verified by GS1 - Product Databank Support & Services (VbG-PDSS)) to audit and validate your new authorised GS1 barcode number. Click here to find out more!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) & Answers HERE!


Have you paid your GS1 Subscription fee? If not please act immediately. Otherwise your GS1 Membership will become INACTIVE, then SUSPENDED and your GS1 Company Prefix (Barcode Numbers) WILL BE WITHDRAWN AND REASSIGNED to Another GS1 MEMBER, and your company will no longer be permitted to use said barcode numbers.

To see the List Of GS1 Malaysia's Suspended Members. [Click Here]
To see the List Of GS1 Malaysia's Terminated Members. [Click Here]

The withdrawal of GS1 Company Prefix (Barcode Numbers) will be notified to all retailers; eg. Aeon, Giant, Mydin, Aladdin, Caring, Econsave etc. [Find Out More]

Search Engine Users

GS1 Malaysia's Premier Trusted Search Engine, powered by the Member Product Databank, provides retailers, marketplaces, distributors and regulators with a simple tool to effectively optimise product visibility for trusted product authentication to fulfil retail merchandising requirements and product curation. Find out more here.

Active GS1 Members benefit from this tool as it helps to improve their market access and business market share, provide access to local and global networks and marketplaces, brings them closer to retailers and marketplaces and improves business opportunities. It is a platform to promote Made-In-Malaysia products

We have compiled a list of the users: User List.

GS1 Malaysia Membership Licenses


Click to find out more!

Standard GTIN Membership License

Small Block GTIN Membership License Additional GTIN Membership License GLN Membership License
  1. Independent GS1 License that is applicable for all companies,
  2. Whether your are a sole proprietor with a single product or representing a multi-national organisation with hundreds of products,
  3. Provides unique and globally recognised identifiers for products and trade items,
  4. Fulfils regulatory and merchandising requirements.
  1. Special GS1 License for limited run items, festive season items, promotional items and vouchers,
  2. Provides unique and globally recognised identifiers for products and trade items,
  3. Fulfils regulatory and merchandising requirements.
  1. Independent GS1 License for additional GS1 barcodes,
  2. Provides unique and globally recognised identifiers for products and trade items,
  3. Fulfils regulatory and merchandising requirements
  4. Only existing & active GS1 Members can apply.
  1. Independent GS1 License for Global Location Numbers (GLNs),
  2. Provides unique and globally recognised identifiers for entities, locations, and assets, whether physical or digital.
  3. Fulfils regulatory and merchandising requirements
  4. Separately managed from GTIN Membership License
Global Trade Item Numbers (GTIN) 1,000 10 1,000  
Global Location Numbers (GLN)       10
Global Company Prefix (GCP) 1 1 1 1
Price (RM) 816.00/year* 390.00/year 816.00/year 390.00/year
More Information Learn more about GS1 GTIN Licenses
Click Here!
Need more GS1 Barcodes?
Click Here to Learn More!
Click Here to learn more about GLN!
Methods of Payment Click Here for our Payment Methods


GS1 Malaysia Exclusive Services
Optional but Pivotal for Brand & Product Identity Integrity, Validity, Authenticity and Regulatory Fulfilment
(+) = Chargeable
GS1 Malaysia Services Standard Membership License Small Block Membership License Additional Membership License GLN Membership License

GS1 Malaysia Barcode Certification

Service to verify the readability of a GS1 barcode symbol sample(s). Includes Validation, Verification & Decoding.
Globally recognised Barcode Verification Report will be provided.

+ + +  

Barcode Symbol Generation

A as-needed service to encode a GS1 barcode symbol with a licensed GS1 barcode number belonging to the GS1 Member.

+ + +  

Barcode Number Generation

Get ready-to-use, globally unique and recognised GS1 barcodes for immediate assign

+ + +  

Verified by GS1: Product Databank Support & Services (VbG-PDSS)

Exclusive support & services package for Active VbG-PDSS Subscribers
(Annual subscription, subject to promotions and changes)

Submission of product, brand, certification, location & company information into GS1 trusted data repositories

The VbG-PDSS support package manages access of GS1 Members to GS1 data repositories to ensure accuracy and authenticity

Upload to GS1 Platform Access: 
Verified by GS1 Search Portal & Mobile App

Product data submitted by active GS1 Members and VbG-PDSS subscribers will appear on GS1-managed platforms and mobile apps


GS1 2D Track & Trace Platform Access: 
2D Repository Platform

Provides a hands-on experience for track & trace using GS1 2D Datamatrix. Event and Production data can be captured by the 2D Repository Platform for market analysis & business intelligence.


Upload to GS1 Platform Access: 
GLN Registry

Entity, location and asset data submitted by GS1 GLN Members will appear on GS1-managed platforms and mobile apps


Upload to Global GS1 Platform Access: 
GS1 Global Registry Platform & Verified by GS1

Curated product data submitted by active GS1 Members and VbG-PDSS subscribers will appear on GS1 Global-managed platforms


Databank Enhanced Services Access

Access to extended data management services for valid data submitters, such as product data amendment, additional data submissions, submission assistance, special character amendment, etc.

(+) = Chargeable.

+ + + +

Sustainability & Circular Economy

Businesses and authorities around the world are increasingly working together to ensure more sustainable economic, environmental, and social measures are adopted and implemented. More and more consumers are demanding choice based on sustainable product characteristics and provenance.

GS1 provides a common set of standards to share sustainability information widely, both for B2B and B2C purposes. GS1 standards enable the digital transformation which is essential to the sustainability and circular economy models.

The global migration towards 2D barcodes is one of the main supporters of sustainable products, as the new GS1 Digital Link provides a more consumer-centric verification and authentication method to connect physical products to dynamic digital content & experiences. Click here to learn more about GS1 Digital Link.

Click Here to Learn More about Sustainability & Circularity.


Trusted Data Repositories & Platforms

The availability of trusted product data is crucial to product and brand validation and authentication. In this digital age, having this information at your fingertips greatly improves buying decisions and builds customer trust in your products, brand and company.

GS1 provides trusted data repositories to safely and securely store your important information for easy reference and cross-checking.

Gain access to our trusted data repositories and increase your brand and product visibility by becoming a VbG-PDSS subscriber. Our support package helps to maintain and manage your data and is separate from your GS1 Malaysia Membership License.

GS1's trusted repositories:

GS1 Malaysia Member Product Databank – Our local trusted repository, validate your products through 1 of the 3 options:

  1. Product Search PortalLearn more about it here.
  2. Premier Trusted Search Engine (retailers, marketplaces and regulators only)
  3. Databank Mobile App

GS1 Global Registry Platform (GRP) - The GS1 Global Registry is our global central repository for product, entity, location, asset and link data. You can access it via the Verified by GS1 Portal.

Learn more about the GRP here